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Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 20000 12.16 (+2.16)          Jurassic World Rebirth (JURA7) 89999 295.87 (-0.49)          Famous (FAMOS) 1 22.61 (+0.90)          Famous (FAMOS) 20000 22.61 (+0.90)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 20000 20.86 (+1.55)          Dear Santa (DSATA) 150000 0.98 (-0.05)          Famous (FAMOS) 20000 22.61 (+0.90)          Werewolves (WEREW) 140000 16.99 (+1.04)          Dear Santa (DSATA) 150000 0.98 (-0.05)          Untitled Monsterverse Godzilla x (GOKO3) 119 116.01 (+0.11)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 20000 14.05 (+2.04)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.05 (+2.04)          Tom Hanks (THANK) 25000 55.68 (+0.16)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 20000 20.86 (+1.55)          Famous (FAMOS) 20000 22.61 (+0.90)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 2500 12.16 (+2.16)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 1 172.99 (-0.90)          Robert Zemeckis (RZEME) 25000 35.38 (+0.12)          King of Kings (KOKNG) 59999 15.35 (-0.14)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 2500 14.05 (+2.04)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 100000 12.16 (+2.16)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 150000 20.86 (+1.55)          Robin Wright (RWPEN) 25000 79.08 (-0.25)          Splitsville (SPTSV) 100000 4.24 (+0.07)          Ron Perlman (RPERL) 25000 36.58 (+0.12)          The Hand That Rocks the Cradle (HTRTC) 100000 24.51 (+0.15)          Famous (FAMOS) 100000 22.61 (+0.90)          Rainn Wilson (RAWIL) 25000 37.39 (-0.37)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.05 (+2.04)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 12.16 (+2.16)          Michelle Dockery (MDOCK) 341 35.61 (0.00)          Gundam (GUNDM) 150000 14.20 (+0.31)          Wicked H$100 Put (WICKD.PU) 25000 1.03 (-0.08)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 100000 14.05 (+2.04)          Gladiator II H$70 Put (GLAD2.PU) 25000 4.61 (+0.23)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 150000 14.05 (+2.04)          Gladiator II H$70 Call (GLAD2.CA) 25000 1.64 (-0.29)          Paper Tiger (PTIGR) 150000 20.86 (+1.55)          Mother Mary (MMARY) 149996 8.22 (-0.41)          Gladiator II - Opening Weekend (GLAD2.OW) 100000 68.00 (-1.12)          Gladiator II (GLAD2) 150000 172.99 (-0.90)          The SpongeBob Movie 4: Search fo (SPBO4) 50000 63.77 (+0.53)          Spa Weekend (SPAWK) 150000 12.16 (+2.16)          Y2K - Opening Weekend (Y2K.OW) 100000 5.78 (+0.08)          Famous (FAMOS) 20000 22.61 (+0.90)          Werewolves - Opening Weekend (WEREW.OW) 100000 5.57 (+0.16)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 1 14.05 (+2.04)          Sneaks (SNEKS) 20000 14.05 (+2.04)          J.C. Chandor (JCCHA) 25000 11.43 (+0.10)          The Horror Fund 9 (SPOOK) 20000 20.24 (+0.20)